German Based P3 Group Selects Innovile’s Self-Organizing Network (SON) and Configuration Manager Platforms

P3 Group selects Innovile´s SON, Configuration Manager platforms

German Based P3 Group Selects Innovile’s Self-Organizing Network (SON) and Configuration Manager Platforms to Deploy Customized Optimization Services to Clients Globally

Innovile’s flexible, multi-technology, multi-vendor solutions are the ideal tools for simplified network performance enhancement driving improvements to quality, capacity and customer experience in multiple projects globally.

German based P3 Group selects Innovile’s Self-Organizing Network (SON) and Configuration Manager platforms to deploy customized optimization services to clients globally #innovile #p3 #selforganisingnetworks #SON #configurationmanagement #UMTSsolutions #LTEoptimisation #5G #IoT (PRNewsfoto/Innovile)

Hakan Ekmen, CEO of P3 communications, says: “Innovile’s proven technology is the ideal choice for combining with P3’s expertise to deliver tangible, cost-effective results to our global client base. It’s a great partnership and we’re seeing some great results.”

Innovile’s powerful combination of tools and engagement methodology helps P3 bridge the gap between operational functions in their clients, particularly traditional engineering, planning and network optimization teams. The collaboration leverages ongoing P3 efforts in automation and delivering highly-efficient audit, optimization and engineering projects. In combination with the extensive P3 team knowledge the strategic alliance helps to ensure best-practices in KPI analysis and effective optimization actions across all major vendors and technology types.

Ahmet Ozturk, Co-founder and Head of R&D, Innovile says: “We are confident that Innovile’s SON and CM solutions combine well with P3’s expertise in delivering to the high expectations of their clients. Our mutual experience also combines well to ensure customer outcomes that are second to none.”

About P3

P3 is a leading international consulting, engineering and testing services company with a rapidly growing team of more than 3,500 consultants and engineers working to develop and implement innovative solutions to today’s complex technology challenges. P3 posts a turnover of more than 350 million EUR. Offering a broad portfolio of services and proprietary tools to the automotive, aerospace, telecommunications and energy industries, P3 adds tangible value that helps clients succeed at every stage, from innovation to implementation.

In the telecommunications sector, P3 communications provides independent technical and management consulting services including network planning, end-to-end optimization, security, QoS and QoE testing, international benchmarking, device testing and acceptance services. P3 addresses all industries with connectivity needs reckoning among their clients, network operators, equipment vendors, device manufacturers, public safety organizations and regulatory authorities around the world. For more information, please visit

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