Boost 5G Private Networks with Open-RAN and Automation

Innovile changes the value proposition of private 5G networks through simplified automation.

The Essential Private 5G Network Guide for Enterprises: Beyond the 5G Private Network, Optimize and Automate your network with Open RAN

Private networks are expanding as 5G becomes more prevalent. 5G private networks are already present and are anticipated to thrive with strong qualities, including minimal latency, quick speeds, and high dependability.

In recent years, there has been an increase in businesses opting to create their own private 5G networks. For instance, at the peak of the COVID epidemic in 2020, the worldwide Private 5G Network market was predicted to be worth USD 924.4 million, with a CAGR of 40.9%.

However, creating a private cellular network requires careful planning and implementation. Before embarking on this route, organizations must adequately assess their needs and objectives. They must also work with experienced vendors to help them through these challenges.

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What is Private 5G?

The term “private 5G” describes a mobile network that, in theory, is identical to a public 5G network but allows the owner to authorize preferential access or wireless spectrum. Private wireless networks with range, capacity, and security capabilities beyond Wi-Fi and other network technologies can benefit from this.

Private vs Public 5G Network

What’s the Difference between Private 5G and Public 5G?

Private 5G networks are non-public mobile networks. They both employ the same underlying technology, software, encoding techniques, spectrum, and exact network solutions. They do, however, vary in some ways:

  1. The main distinction is that the public 5G network, which has tens of millions of customers on a single national network, is designed for use by the public.
  2. A single business or one particular place can employ a private 5G network. College campuses, factories, hospitals, transit hubs, and military posts are a few locations with vital infrastructure or mission-critical software.

What are the Types of Private 5G Networks?

Private 5G networks are classified into three:
Independent 5G Private Networks

An autonomous 5G private network is created for a single firm that controls the infrastructure, such as RAN Nodes, and the wireless spectrum allocated to it. It administers and controls the whole network, and all devices connected to it are separated from public MNO networks.

Dependent 5G Private Networks

An MNO builds and maintains a reliable private 5G network. The MNO might either commit spectrum to the company or deploy network slicing technology, which generates numerous virtual networks within a single physical 5G network.

Hybrid 5G Private Networks

Hybrid 5G networks combine public and private networks. This architecture provides the most diverse set of use cases. Mobile network operators who use hybrid 5G networks provide seamless interoperability for devices and users who migrate outside the private site. Enterprises get the benefits of both types of networks, with the finest combination of capacity, coverage, and affordability.

What are the Design Parameters for Setting up a Private 5G Network?

Industrial devices are quite diverse. They include drones for remote connection and maintenance, sensors, adapters, and remote I/Os used in monitoring applications and process control. Then there are device categories for motion control, robotic devices, and other applications, including routers, network bridges, and network gateways.

These devices have distinct qualities and are also getting more sophisticated. For instance, future robotic arms will have numerous devices to improve position accuracy and adaptability. They will either connect directly to a 5G base station or use a gateway.

Data security is equally crucial for industrial automation and necessitates a whole life cycle approach. The gadgets are where this plan begins and concludes. They serve as both the primary and secondary lines of protection against cyberattacks. A crucial phase in the design validation process is to comprehensively evaluate the security of industrial devices due to the ongoing emergence of new vulnerabilities and the introduction of new or unidentified flaws by fresh builds.

A private 5G network provides a combination of vital security, reliability, and performance improvements over other wireless networks since it has been built from the ground up to fulfill business needs and mission-critical applications in three primary categories:

Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (uRLLC)
Enhanced mobile
broadband (eMBB)
Massive machine type communications (mMTC)

How to Build a Private 5G Network?

To connect 5G devices that operate on various frequency bands, the 5G private network design should accommodate low, mid, and high band ranges. Radio frequencies from the low band to high frequencies must be supported by a 5G private network design. In an industrial setting, a signal may travel further the lower the frequency. The more data transmitted over a small distance, the higher the frequency. The necessity to cover all bands and enable cutting-edge technologies like AR and VR are the foundations for designing a 5G private network topology for industrial automation.

Build a Private 5G Network

How can you Optimize and Automate a Private 5G Network with Open RAN? Why should you do it?

Taking on the RAN has the most significant impact on cost optimization and bringing innovation with more flexibility in the solution. However, with typical legacy technologies, operators sometimes wait many months to hear feedback on newer offerings, stifling innovation.

The RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) enables operators to improve and deploy innovative services by maximizing network resources. It also assists operators in reducing network congestion. The RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) is a cloud-native element of an automated and open RAN network.

The RIC’s ability to handle non-real-time applications (rApps) and near-real-time apps (xApps) is an important feature. Both types of apps maximize network performance by managing network replies with various latencies, with rApps controlling tasks needing less than one second and xApps controlling functions demanding less than one-second latency.

The RIC provides enhanced control capabilities that improve efficiency and wireless resource management. These control functions increase resource management skills by leveraging analytics and data-driven methodologies, including powerful Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) technologies. RIC allows a vendor-independent infrastructure to execute management and control planes.

Successful Deployment of 5G Network with Innovile

Ensure Successful Deployment of your 5G Network with Innovile

Regarding your 5G rollout strategy, time is the most effective approach to acquiring a competitive advantage. To be effective, you need a network-managed service provider who can assist you in developing successful strategies, designing a high-performance network, testing your built-out infrastructure, and ensuring the post-launch quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE).

A partner that knows that your 5G network does not operate independently but rather as part of your total network service offering.

That partner is Innovile. We offer a comprehensive and integrated set of software tools for planning, designing, testing, and optimizing your 5G network with Open Ran.

ORAN makes it faster and easier for Private Networks to realize the full capabilities of 5G.

Our company has been in operation for many years thanks to our accomplishments in lowering OPEX and CAPEX, increasing efficiency, improving customer experience, and raising profit.

We collaborate with the world’s biggest mobile operators and network manufacturers, assisting them in achieving unparalleled quality in their 5G deployment.

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